Saturday, 4 June 2016

What Should You Know About Laser Hair Removal?

Excess growth of hair at unwanted areas of your body can be an issue no matter if you are a male or female. This makes you spend most of your time in removing the excess hair from the body. Following traditional hair removal methods such as electrolysis, shaving, depilatories and waxing can kill your precious time, eat most of your money and can be painful. In addition, shaving can make the skin rough and flaky. So, to avoid such hassles, the best way is to opt for laser hair reduction that can provide a permanent cure for excess hair.

Laser Hair Removal stamford

Laser Hair Treatment

The treatment performed through laser hair removal is a cosmetic procedure that has gained a growing popularity. It is ideal for removing excess body ha
ir that can make your body parts such as arms, legs, face and chin unsightly. During this procedure, the concentrated light beam or laser light is focused at skin. The laser light beam is attracted towards the melanin found in the hair follicles that can warm up the area and damages the stem which kindled hair growth. It is a safe treatment that causes very less damage on the surface of the skin.

How much time is needed? 

This laser light procedure is a best choice for those who have light skin tone and dark skin tone. These laser sessions would need very less time for each session to remove the hair permanently. Through this procedure, the skin is not affected with the treatment as the skin cools down very quickly and is applied with the cream to cool the skin for lowering the risks. Usually the hair removal procedure using laser light over the arms and face is completed in just 15 minutes and requires at least one hour for completing the laser procedure in other body parts.

What it includes?

The procedure with laser for removing the hair that has a 3 step procedure which includes cleaning the area, shaving off the hair and scanning the region which would be treated with laser. While scanning the laser energy that is passed via the skin and the pigment found within the hair follicle gets absorbed. An individual would need about 6 or 8 sittings and in each sitting about 20% hair follicles which is disabled permanently.

In short, the laser hair removal provides very smooth skin and promotes beauty of the person undergoing the treatment.    

What are The Advantages of a Full Body Massage?

Massage is performed by manipulating and rubbing the body muscles, ligaments, skin and tendons. It has now become a necessity to avail massage services as it can provide immense benefits to your body in the long run. The full body massage provides numerous benefits both psychologically and physically. If you have any medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, osteoporosis, blood clots and fractures, then it is always better to consult them before going for a massage.

massage Stamford

Benefits of enjoying the massage services

If you are thinking whether a massage is essential for a person then read on to know the various benefits you will experience by choosing the services of
massage Stamford.

Drastically reduces depression, anxiety and stress

A body massage can lower the stress levels greatly in people and also curbs the various signs and symptoms related to depression and anxiety. Even though there are no studies with concrete evidence that states the massage therapy is good for lowering the stress related symptoms, many people opine that their symptoms of depression and anxiety lowered at a significant pace after having a massage. It also promotes better sleep, rejuvenated energy levels, good concentration and low levels of fatigue.

Relief from pain and stiffness

When you get a full body massage, it would be a great choice for relieving the pain and body stiffness. The massage would help release the endorphins that perform the task of a pain reliever. It would also help in alleviating migraine headaches. Overused muscles which are tired and sore would relax in a better fashion and would make it soft with a massage. The massage would help the athletes to get relief from the sore muscles after a day’s hard work out and during the sports injury.

Improves blood circulation

Massage can improve the blood circulation by helping nutrients and oxygen which would reach the organs and tissues. Availing massage services would help to curb blood pressure. Such benefits would offer several medical advantages when coupled with several medicine facilities.

Improves immune system

Getting a full body massage would improve the function of the immune system and kindles the lymphatic system that can promote the body’s immune system.

In addition, the full body massage can remove the dead cells of the whole body for better skin tone.